Ethics & Disclosures

JSR is committed to peer-review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review. Once the paper has been assessed for suitability by the editor, it will then be double-blind peer-reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. The editor may consider the reviewer names suggested by the authors.

It is the responsibility of authors to make their manuscripts as anonymous as possible. Submission of a manuscript to this journal implies that its contents constitute original work not previously published and that the manuscript is not being considered elsewhere for publication.

Any allegations of plagiarism or self-plagiarism will be investigated by the editors of the journal. Authors should be aware that their papers may be submitted to Crossref similarity check during the peer-review or production process. If the allegations appear to be founded, JSR will contact all authors of the paper and request an explanation of the overlapping material. JSR may ask editorial board members for further evaluation of the paper and allegations. Based on the investigation, the journal will take appropriate actions depending upon the nature and severity of the issue. If a paper is under peer review, it may be returned to the authors with a request that they address the issues through appropriate citation, use of quotation marks to indicate direct quotes, or re-writing the sections. If the similarity between the manuscripts is extensive, it may be rejected. If the paper has already been published online, a correction, retraction, or expression of concern may be published. The authors’ institution may be notified.

Authors should supply details of funding and grant-awarding bodies supporting the research. Any financial interest or benefit that has arisen from the direct applications of the submitted article should also be acknowledged.

Authors must include a competing or conflict of interest statement if any. A conflict of interest exists when an author (or authors) has financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influence his or her actions (also known as competing interests, or competing loyalties).